While conventional assistant systems are limited to speech recognition and simply follow user commands, paragon semvox systems understand you. They comprehend the meaning behind the utterances, the user’s intentions and are able to ask in case of unclear input. Instead of following rigid menu structures and predefined commands, users simply tell the system what they want.
Full Control and Independence with paragon semvox
In many fields of life, conversational assistance systems are already becoming a standard. Among the best known dialogue-based systems are Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, Facebook M and most recently, Google Assistant. Similarly to these systems, paragon semvox ODP S3 analyzes the conversation context and supports user-based machine learning, reasoning and incorporates world knowledge.
But paragon semvox ODP S3 beats the competition with full control over all parameters, improved data protection and independence from the willfulness of the tech giants – and these factors are more important than ever for users, developers and integrators. Instead of working with black box solutions such as the Google Assistant where developers remain in the dark about many internal system operations, integrators have full control over all parameters with paragon semvox ODP S3.
In this way, ODP S3 based systems are significantly better prepared to fulfill all possible tasks ahead. Another great advantage is the independence from a cloud connection: paragon semvox systems can work either only on the device itself (embedded), completely cloud-based or implemented as hybrid versions, combining the advantages of both modes of operation.
The systems take initiative and make suggestions. You are on your way to Munich and you love Japanese food? Your personal virtual assistant will suggest the best restaurant in Munich close to your accommodation – before it even crossed your mind to ask! In case of high cognitive load, paragon semvox solutions dose the information so as not to divert the user’s attention from other tasks, e.g. driving. paragon semvox makes human-machine interaction more intelligent, efficient and convenient. Users can delegate tasks to their virtual personal assistants in a comfortable, intuitive way.
Full Support Through Proactive Assistance
paragon semvox uses Artificial Intelligence to make Human-Machine-Communication as easy as never before. Users benefit from totally new assistance functions that make for a true personal assistant, providing them with a comprehensive support. Our solutions help users find the information they really need by giving advice and suggestions. They are able to process context factors such as the user’s current location, personal preferences, their interaction histories, and include them in the interaction.