Project SynDiQuAss successfully finished

The collaborational project (see graphic) SynDiQuAss (Synchronisierung von Digitalisierung, Qualitätssicherung und Assistenzsystem an Arbeitsplätzen mit geringem Automatisierungsgrad – Synchronisation of digitalisation, quality assurance and assistant systems at workplaces with a low degree of automatisation) is set to enable small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to add more flexibility to their production. The cost of adaptions for changes in these processes would be minimised.

With a rather frequent changes in production processes of small quantities come lots of hours of workforce training. The assistant software SynDiQuAss is designed to take care of this. The individual workers are handed a terminal with the software running at every step of the process. All necessary parts, movements and step-by-step instructions are accessible.

To make the operation as intuitive as possible, the control is designed paragon semvox-style: multimodal. The assistant is capable to process touch, gesture, and voice inputs. In this way, one is able to interact with the terminal even when no hands can be used. Until now the production step would have been interrupted to initiate the next step.

Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), start of project SynDiQuAss was back on Mai 1st, 2017 and ran until October 31st, 2020. It has had its reveal at the BMBF forum of the beyondwork2020 through a video, produced by paragon semvox GmbH.

Massimo Romanelli, Head of Research at paragon semvox, recaps as follows:

“The feedback was definitely positive. We answered the right key-questions with this project and the concept was confirmed. It was also helpful in association with the application partners who, when it comes to digitalisation, gained an actual analysis of their needs. In other words: the data of our studies (as results of the project) will be very valuable for the community of SMI altogether.”

