The Challenge
– The Romanian Government made a commitment in front of UEFA and the EU Commission to build the railway connection from Bucharest Nord main railway station to Otopeni Henri Coanda Airport before the start of European Football Championship 2020.
Alfred Net was to support the design of the safety & security as well as for the new passenger information solutions to equip the railway terminal, and respond to all required regulations and operational ones.
The Possibilities
– The passenger information system was designed, based on a mix of solutions from different technology systems and providers that, when combined, resulted in an integrated Passenger Information System / Public Address System solution capable of managing and delivering correct and comprehensive visual and audio information to passengers and staff.
Starting 13th of December 2020, the railway terminal became fully operational, receiving and sending a total of 72 trains per day, 36 pairs, arriving and departing every 20 minutes from the terminal to Bucharest Nord station and return.
The Solution
– The passenger information solution is capable to manage automatically the train traffic schedule, processing and delivering the right visual and audio information to passengers at the right time, automatically without the need of operators intervention.
„It is the first time when technologies like: video analytics, flame detection based on video technology,laser detection, RGB LED displays and RGB LED wall, digital signage, IP based PAVA, IP based clocking with NTP master clock/server, Text-to-Speech technologies were implemented for the Romanian railway system. It is also the first integration performed at such level of complexity for a railway terminal.” Alex Vladutoiu of Alfrednet

About Alfrednet
– System Integrator for security, telecommunication and ITS4 solutions, having a strong experience in delivering complex, site and multisite integrated systems for transportation, financial, industrial and more. Solution Architecture Design, Consultancy and Project Management experience of Alfrednet’s staff help organizations to define, select and implement the correct solutions that meet their operational requirements for mid and long term.