What makes our solutions so special?

With our voice control technology for smartphones and tablet PCs, your app becomes your customer’s virtual personal assistant! Access to emails and text messages, searching the web and databases or finding a nearby restaurant and making a reservation - all by voice: efficient, fast and easy.

Voice control offers your customers a flexible and comfortable access to information and allows them to use any feature of your app while on the move or driving. 

Instead of simple voice recognition, we offer truly intelligent dialog

It is able to maintain the “conversation” with the user over several turns, remembers the user’s utterances and asks clarifying questions in case of unclear or vague input – an invaluable advantage for mobile solutions!

Furthermore, our technology is able to recognize context factors like time and location, processes them and makes adjustments

Based on the SemVox ODP S3 Software, we can develop cloud-based and embedded solutions. 

Our experience from numerous customer projects enables us to implement the voice library for your mobile application within just a few days (3 to 5 person-days). Do you want to learn more about our expertise in the development of voice control solutions for mobile applications? Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information and individual consulting services.


With SemVox you can use the benefit of voice control for your mobile applications. Our voice control libraries for smartphones und tablets make your app easily controllable by voice. A simple voice user interface (about 3 to 10 voice commands) for your existing app can be developed in a few steps:

  • Definition of your desired voice commands
  • Specification of interfaces between voice library and your app
  • Provision of the software library by SemVox
  • Integration of the voice library in your app

The Voice Library is a compiled library that is integrated into a project (iOS, Android) for the development time. With the library you can upgrade every application to include voice interaction. The library supports a continuous speech recognition as well as push-to-talk and push-to-activate. The integrated speech recognizer uses the microphone signal of the mobile device as input. To turn the speech recognizer on and off, our voice library has interfaces which can be used in your app accordingly. The results of the speech recognition are communicated to your app through a delegate method which has been handed over to the voice library. On the basis of the results from the speech recognizer your app is able to produce the desired response (e.g. switching to a different view, starting a media file, etc.).
